Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dance! Dancing! Danced!

So Saturday Jordan and I went to the Morgan Hill dance! It was themed the Emerald City! I had a lot of fun! I even taught this little 14 year old how to dance! haha he was cute though, and scared to death to ask a girl. lol well it was fun because i got to see my friends from Bernal and even a girl that was in my company at EFY(which was crazy! i was so shocked!)  I only got pictures of before the dance:

This one's a bit blurry but the rest, Jordan isn't smiling so this'll do.

More clear! i'm wearing a green shirt to go with the theme!

1 comment:

Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

so blurry! oh well, jordan smiling is a rarity, huh? Hey you're copying me with the colors! how dare you. haha